The Chief Executive’s Retirement

Ensuring the company’s future, handing it over

The chief executive’s retirement must be prepared several years in advance.

Thémis performs all assessments and audits prior to the sale; it can, depending on the case, accept the mandate of seeking a buyer for the company and also draft all the deeds of sale, in order to ensure the company’s sustainability.

Indeed, although the company or some of its assets (the lease, equipment, client portfolio…) can be conveyed, a prior assessment must be performed to evaluate the transferability and value of its assets, and to establish a price and optimal terms and conditions of sale.
Any reorganization must be envisaged prior to the sale if its capitalistic structure is not adapted or if it complicates the company’s conveyance.

A retiring chief executive is eligible for tax benefits in the event of the conveyance of the company

The retiring chief executive is eligible for tax benefits in the event of the conveyance of the company (an allowance on capital gains on the sale of the company) subject to strict terms seen to by the legal advisor.

Certain buyer categories are also entitled, on certain conditions, to tax benefits when taking over a company (the company’s employees, members of the family circle).
The sale of a commercial lease is also facilitated in the event of the chief executive’s retirement (change of the use of the commercial premises leased).

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