Asset management

Managing Assets

Acquiring and transferring assets

At a time when public accounts do not allow us to view retirement without concern, the acquisiton of assets  has become crucial.

Thémis, and its partners, insurers and asset management consultants, advises and assists company executives and management in their investments and in managing their assets.
Although it is often recommended that priority be given to the acquisition of one’s main residence, it is particularly worthwhile to acquire other assets, whether or not they generate income, in the sort or long term, or whether they be securities, which can one day be sold depending on needs and life projects.

It is necessary to be well advised before investing, in order to have a grasp of the risks and benefits.

These assets may be more of a professional nature (company securities, commercial real estate, Madelin-type investments in the form of a complementary or other retirement scheme), but also of a personal nature (rental investments, life-insurance or other financial investments…).

It is necessary to be well advised before investing, to have a sound grasp of the risks and benefits.

Thémis also sees to it that the conveyance of the managing directors’s professional assets is anticipated and organized, in order to ensure the company’s sustainability and the executive’s serene retirement.  In this context, Thémis can propose any corporate reorganization which caters to their specific features and needs...

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